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The Swiss Federation of Hinduismus was established for you - become a member!



Dear friends of Hinduism,  
Dear representatives of a Hindu organisation,
Namaste - Vanakkam!


We invite you to become a member in order to strengthen the association. As you may know, more than 60'000 Hindus live in Switzerland. Many different Hindu communities and temples cultivate the culture and religion of Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma. The umbrella organisation is now intended to give Hinduism in Switzerland a common voice. In April 2017, around 15 representatives of various Hindu organisations and temples as well as about 50 active Hindu individuals met in Winterthur for the founding assembly. The proposed statutes were unanimously accepted, and a first board was elected. The aim of the association is to promote a better understanding of Hindu traditions in Switzerland and to safeguard the rights and interests of temples, organisations, and individuals. Thus, the Hindu community should now have found a good place in the cultural and religious landscape of Switzerland.


"Sharing is caring" - Dear friends, please help to support our newly founded association and show that you are committed to Hinduism. Many thanks in advance and we look forward to meeting you in person at the next opportunity.


Please contact us with any questions via the contact form or at:

The SDH Board, May 2017 
Become a member now! Here you can download the application form:  




Postfinance Account Name:  Schweizerischer Dachverband für Hinduismus (SDH)

IBAN:         CH23 0900 0000 6136 8148 4  


Schweizerischer Dachverband für Hinduismus SDH

Anton-Graff-Strasse 41
H-8400 Winterthur


Phone: +41-79 449 62 36




Thank you for submitting!

© 2022 by Schweizerischer Dachverband für Hinduismus SDH

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